Thursday 1 December 2016

Danny Jones - Designer

Currently a Design Lead at Dropbox, formerly Facebook. Specialising in 3D tinkering and will someday finally build his own app. Danny Jones’ work musically inspired photo-realism to visually engaging objects, his creations are as diverse as they are beautiful. Perhaps the secret to this talented designer’s creativity lies in his dedication to learning new tools, techniques, and mediums for design work, or his embrace of multiple disciplines, or his willingness to make mistakes. He finds his inspiration from Ceramicists, rare objects, fashion, music, Japanese oddities, industrial design and VFX artists. Danny Jones has worked with big brands from New Balance to Nike, all the way to Facebook.I like how he takes the colour combinations into consideration and creates work that all follow a certain theme and mood. Danny Jones really pays attention to detail, making some truly stunning work, He is definitely worth keeping an eye on to see what amazing work he come out with next.

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