Saturday 29 October 2016

Men In Black Safety Defenders #AirNZSafetyVideo - Travel & Enterainment

Air New Zealand  is known for it's "out there" forms of flight safety videos but being a fan of the Men In Black movies this flight safety video really stood out. Created in partnership with Sony Pictures, they managed to create a cinematic flight safety video based of Men In Black, it featured many key character such as Frank the dog and many alien species. I think it is a really clever way to make something that is rather dull into something that is interesting and will actually make people pay attention. The use of the famous Men In Black song is really clever in creating catchy instructions that people will remember. Overall looking at the flight safety video it successfully delivers the message and safety procedures in case of an accident in a creative and fun way. If you don't like listening to the standard safety instruction, give this one a watch and it will change the way you listen to those instructions.    

"Medicine" A dance film - Entertainment

"Medicine" is the very first dance film that I have ever watched, instantly it made me fall in love with this form of entertainment. The short film tells a love story that is tangled in addiction, all of this is stunningly portrayed in an amazingly choreographed dance. The dance performance shows the consequences of a lover who is struggling with her partners disease and the person he once was, only to succumb to his addiction and dive head first into his addiction. The film successfully captivated me and sparked many emotions. The beauty of this form of art is truly wonderful. The haunting yet beautiful song that accompanied the dance "Medicine" was by a french artist know as "Daughter" . The dance was choreographed by Zack Benitez and was filmed in Paris June 2015. If like me you had never watch a dance film before I definitely recommend you check out "Medicine".  

motorola moto x - Technology & Print

For the release of the new Moto X phone by Motorola, the company have taken the 'customization' concept to a new level in creating the very first interactive print advertisement. The print ad actually allows the readers to start customizing the phone to give them a buying experience. Select copies (only 150,000 distributed in Chicago and New York) of the January edition of WIRED magazine will feature a print ad that allows you to begin designing your own Moto X phone by simply pressing on colored buttons to change the color of the back of the smartphone's case. I love this idea of reinventing print advertisement and bringing forward into the new technological age. It can be said that print advertisement has taken a back seat in the technological age but Motorola have found away of making print interactive bringing it back to life. The same could be said for Motorola as for the pass couple of years the company has taken a back seat to the likes of Apple and Samsung but with reinvention and progression this could be what Motorola need to take a step back into the limelight. Overall creating the first interactive print advertisement is a smart, amazing creation that will definitely help in the sales of the new Moto X mobile phone.

Shawn Coss - Illustrator

creature illustrating major depressive disorder, looks like he is on the floor almost melting in pain.Illustration of OCD, Creepy figure scratching at chest saying "clean, clean, clean"

Shawn Coss is an Ohio based illustrator who decided to tackle the issue of mental health for his contribution to Inktober. This consists of artists from all around the world challenging themselves to create one ink-based illustration for each day of the month. Shawn Coss has a medical background giving him an in depth knowledge of some of the more severe mental illnesses. Shawn Coss illustrations really stood out to me due to how accurate he portrays mental illness and shows all the different forms of mental illness. He manages to portray each illness in a sinister and disturbing way making people wake up and realise the effects and importance of mental health. Shawn Coss is illustrating mental illness in such a shocking and realistic way that it forces people to face mental illness as an issue, which is important as thousands of people live their lives ignoring the severity of mental illness. Personally I love his work and really admire his head on approach in creating such amazing work, he's not afraid of the controversy they may cause. I cant wait to see which issues he decides to take on next because I'm sure whatever issue it may be he will raise awareness successfully like he has done with mental illness.    

Monday 17 October 2016

BBDO - Agency

BBDO, first know as Batten Company opened in a single room in New York city in 1891. Since then they have thrived and merged with Barton, Dustin and Osborn being transformed into BBDO. BBDO is a large agency, worldwide is 15,000 people in 289 agencies across the countries. The agency has gained recognition from the likes of Campaign magazine, Cannes festival and Global Effie Effectiveness Index. BBDO have work with a plethora of different clients including BT mobile, Visa, Snickers, Hp, Dove and Ikea. Clearly this agency works with some impressive big clients creating amazing advertisements for each client. The Agency work across all media platforms, creating a variety of different advertisement from print all the way to cinematic pieces. Overall this agency is a really impressive agency that gives plenty of inspiration and aspirations, I look forward to seeing more fantastic work that this agency produces.

Organ Donors - Print Advertisement

I stumbled across this lovely piece of print advertisement about becoming an Organ Donor. This advertisement was created by BBDO Agency, a worldwide advertising agency with a headquarter in New York. I love this print design as it cleverly shows  how thankful people are for organ donors as they allow them to continue living. I thought it was really lovely how they show that the organ donor may no longer be alive but they are helping someone else have the opportunity to continue living through them. This poster really has emotional appeal that shows the appreciation and thankfulness for organ donors. I love the use of a ghostly presence as it shows people how you can help others even though they may not be here anymore. Overall I think this is a beautiful, heartfelt print advertisement, that successfully appeals to all audience, and promote a beautiful message.

The Exorcist TV Series - entertainment

A new TV show based on the film "The Exorcist" has been released by fox. Just by looking at the poster that was released has really got me excited for the release of the show. The poster takes one iconic moment from the exorcist film, being the moment she spins her whole neck around which is humanly impossible, and they have utilised it to their advantage to show how the series is based on demonic possession. Through the use of the bright white light there are clear connotations on how the TV show features heavenly presences, which is only fitting for a show with clear binary oppositions of Heaven vs Hell and good vs bad. I love the fact there are clear enigma codes in the poster creating so many different questions, this is a clever technique as it will intrigue the audience to watch the show so that the questions they have will be answered. The fact the poster is featured in black and white helps create an eerie, unnerving mood, this helps portray the genre of the TV show which is clearly a Horror. I love a good Horror show, I just hope that the TV show is just as good as the poster. If your like me and love a good scare then definitely keep an eye out for "Exorcist".

Text Book Studio - Industry

I got the pleasure of being able to visit text book studios which is a studio based in Manchester/Salford. The work created here really focuses on printed materials, especially editorial and publication design. Textbook Studio is unlike the large design studios, it is small and intimate which allows the designers to work closely with clients whilst maintaining a diverse and flexible network of collaborations who work along side them whenever a projects require it. Being able to go inside and see the environment that they work in, which has a very rustic and unique look, really portrays the individual personalities of each designer. I really loved seeing how an active small studio functions and finds inspiration for their work. I look forward to seeing how this studio grows and develops in the future.

Manchester Symbol - Emblem

During my trip to Manchester I captured a bee symbol which are placed all around manchester, I thought this was a really cool way of showing one of Manchester's most iconic symbols. Doing my research into the symbol I really got to see what the people of Manchester stand for. The "Worker Bee" symbolises industry, it's motto is "concilis et labore" which is loosely translated to "By wisdom and effort". This motto is a beautiful way of telling everyone the people of Manchester are hard worker and develop through the wisdom gained through generations of hardworking Manc's.

Monday 10 October 2016

Manchester - Location

This week I went back to my hometown Manchester. I can definitely say you take the environment for granted when you live there for most your life. But when you take sometime away or move away you find an appreciation for the city. Taking the time to walk around and really explore the city I got to see a side to Manchester that I never really saw when I was living there. I loved looking at the architectural structures of all the different buildings, there were clear contrast of old and new, its nice to see how Manchester is developing into the future but also keeping some of the historical structures and showing an architectural juxtaposition. As Manchester is so big and full of different people one of my favourite things to do is a quick street photography shoot whenever I go back and visit. By doing this I am able to capture Manchester's developments over the years and I get to capture the wonderful and amazing things I come across out on the streets of Manchester.
In my images I love to capture the bright vibrant colours that Manchester has to offer as I think this really represents the booming, resonating city that Manchester has become. The two images that are show are my two favourite images from my shoot. I focused on the composition within my images trying to capture the right moment to make the person in the image look small in comparison to their environment. I did this as I wanted to show how one person is so small in such a big city yet their presence is enough to make a difference. This is an important and hopeful message to me broadcasting how one person can make an impact. Overall my trip to Manchester was very insightful and I look forward to my next visit home.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Google Tilt Brush - App

Google have created a new app "Google tilt brush" that allows you to draw pretty much anything in your virtual space. The 3D painting tool is now allowing painters and creatives to transform their surroundings into a digital canvas. Running through HTC's vive headset, users can paint and create using the HTC hand controller for brush strokes and has a virtual paint pallet. As a creative person I believe this app is a genius invention, it's going to allow designers to quickly and easily bring their designs and sketches to life. I look forward to trying this new invention out and imply the tilt brush into my future designs.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Mr Church - Entertainment

"Mr Church" tells a story of Henry Joseph Church a talented cook who's cooking services were required by a little girl and her dying mother which develops a unique friendship more like family. The trailer shows how a short term arrangement turns into a family bond that last forever. The trailer features Eddie Murphy as the lead character Joseph Church, it is also voice over lead, almost a stream of consciousness concept off the main female lead character "Charlotte". I like how the trailer informs the audience what the film is going to be about without revealing the whole story line. The Jazz music really gives a feel of the time the film was set in, it also gives the film an up beat, happy tone. Overall I looks forward to the cinematic release of the film. It was released September 16th 2016 in the United States of America so hopefully the UK release will shortly follow. If you like heartfelt, feel goof films, check out the trailer for Mr Church.

Coca cola "Brotherly Love" - Advertisement

The "Brotherly love" advert captures a universal story of love and conflict. It also briefly touches on bullying as a topic and how sticking up for one another is very important, especially when it comes to family. I love this advert as I love how it shows a spacial moment between brothers capturing the hearts of the audience. The advert uses emotional appeal to create a heartfelt advert that makes coco cola feel like family. Overall the advert manages to appeal to all aged audiences as the advert is relatable to many people of different ages. The advert also features a new version of the hit song "Hey Brother" by Avicii which is a very fitting song for the content of the advert, as it helped resonate the family feel and mood of the advert.

The Wade Brothers - Photography

The Wade Brothers are not only photographers they are visionaries. They know their subjects inside out, they get to know and understand their clients so they can tear up their subject from the inside out creating something amazing. The Wade Brothers believe its important to experience their subject matter so they can truly understand their subject as they believe experience and wisdom is the key. This is one of the many reasons I love their work as they really place themselves into the situation they are photographing capturing all the amazing emotions in one moment. The Wade Brothers tell a story through each of their images through the use of props, colours and costumes. I really admire how they set a tone and mood through lighting and the composition of the image. Even their landscape projects tell hundreds of stories through one image, their images really are open to interpretation. If you want to be inspired and encouraged then you should definitely check out the Wade Brothers website.

Jay Z Decoded - Advertising Campaign

Recently I stumbled across an amazing advertising campaign promoting both Jay Z's new autobiography and Bing Search and Maps. The campaign joined them both together to create an integrated online game where fans of Jay Z could get an experience of walking through his life. The campaign took place a month before the autobiography "Decoded" was released, the campaign cleverly put every page of Jay Z's book out in the world in locations inspired by the story on each page putting the autobiography into context. Clues were released daily through social media such as Facebook and twitter, but they were also released through radio. I thought this advertisement campaign was a really nice way of combining print with digital, I really liked how the combination of two different media platforms created such an amazing result that resonated with millions of people. Overall the campaign was a success as Decoded hit the best seller for 19 weeks straight and Bing saw an increase of 11.7% on visits, entering the global top 10 most visited sites. The campaign earned 1.1 billion global media impressions and showed the world how reading can be made interactive through creativity and team work.