Monday 17 October 2016

The Exorcist TV Series - entertainment

A new TV show based on the film "The Exorcist" has been released by fox. Just by looking at the poster that was released has really got me excited for the release of the show. The poster takes one iconic moment from the exorcist film, being the moment she spins her whole neck around which is humanly impossible, and they have utilised it to their advantage to show how the series is based on demonic possession. Through the use of the bright white light there are clear connotations on how the TV show features heavenly presences, which is only fitting for a show with clear binary oppositions of Heaven vs Hell and good vs bad. I love the fact there are clear enigma codes in the poster creating so many different questions, this is a clever technique as it will intrigue the audience to watch the show so that the questions they have will be answered. The fact the poster is featured in black and white helps create an eerie, unnerving mood, this helps portray the genre of the TV show which is clearly a Horror. I love a good Horror show, I just hope that the TV show is just as good as the poster. If your like me and love a good scare then definitely keep an eye out for "Exorcist".

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