Sunday 2 October 2016

Mr Church - Entertainment

"Mr Church" tells a story of Henry Joseph Church a talented cook who's cooking services were required by a little girl and her dying mother which develops a unique friendship more like family. The trailer shows how a short term arrangement turns into a family bond that last forever. The trailer features Eddie Murphy as the lead character Joseph Church, it is also voice over lead, almost a stream of consciousness concept off the main female lead character "Charlotte". I like how the trailer informs the audience what the film is going to be about without revealing the whole story line. The Jazz music really gives a feel of the time the film was set in, it also gives the film an up beat, happy tone. Overall I looks forward to the cinematic release of the film. It was released September 16th 2016 in the United States of America so hopefully the UK release will shortly follow. If you like heartfelt, feel goof films, check out the trailer for Mr Church.

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