Monday 10 October 2016

Manchester - Location

This week I went back to my hometown Manchester. I can definitely say you take the environment for granted when you live there for most your life. But when you take sometime away or move away you find an appreciation for the city. Taking the time to walk around and really explore the city I got to see a side to Manchester that I never really saw when I was living there. I loved looking at the architectural structures of all the different buildings, there were clear contrast of old and new, its nice to see how Manchester is developing into the future but also keeping some of the historical structures and showing an architectural juxtaposition. As Manchester is so big and full of different people one of my favourite things to do is a quick street photography shoot whenever I go back and visit. By doing this I am able to capture Manchester's developments over the years and I get to capture the wonderful and amazing things I come across out on the streets of Manchester.
In my images I love to capture the bright vibrant colours that Manchester has to offer as I think this really represents the booming, resonating city that Manchester has become. The two images that are show are my two favourite images from my shoot. I focused on the composition within my images trying to capture the right moment to make the person in the image look small in comparison to their environment. I did this as I wanted to show how one person is so small in such a big city yet their presence is enough to make a difference. This is an important and hopeful message to me broadcasting how one person can make an impact. Overall my trip to Manchester was very insightful and I look forward to my next visit home.

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